Email Sending Limit and Send Rate Outlook/Hotmail Print

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Outlook/Hotmail Send Limits: 100 messages / connection
Outlook/Hotmail Send Send Rate: 100 people / day
Outlook/Hotmail Send Attachment Size Limit: 25MB
Outlook/Hotmail Send Restriction Expiry Method: N/A

The Outlook/Hotmail limit for outgoing email messages is 100 messages per day. However, it is not a fixed number!

The limit also depends on your reputation within Outlook/Hotmail. The system needs a few days to build your reputation. So, there are stricter limitations on new accounts or accounts that have engaged in activity representative of abusers sending spam. As you develop a reputation for not sending junk e-mail, Outlook/Hotmail increases the number of recipients that you can send messages to.

If you are a new free user, you might be limited to a lower limit compared to an older account which is a temporary restriction and is upgraded to the maximum recipients limit as soon as the user establishes credibility in the system.

You can verify your account with a mobile number (only available in limited markets at this time): to increase the limit immediately. Please note that the SMS validation will increase the limit only if you are hitting a lower limit compared to a regular free user. If you already have the maximum limit of a free account, SMS validation will not help in increasing the limit.

Or, you can upgrade to Premium and enjoy a higher sending limit.

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