Type: MaintenanceSeverity: High
Affected Zone: DirectAdmin server onyx.daxa.net (
Period of timeStart time: February 22, 2020 - 23:00 WIBEnd Time: February 23 2020 00:00 WIB
Expected downtime: 1 hour
During the 1 hour maintenance we will relocate the serverDuring maintenance the system will not be accessible.We anticipate a ...
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Type: MaintenanceSeverity: High
Affected Zone: cPanel server oryx.daxa.net
Period of timeStart time: February 15, 2020 - 23:00 WIBEnd Time: February 16 2020 00:00 WIB
Expected downtime: 1 hour
During the 1 hour maintenance we will relocate the serverDuring maintenance the system will not be accessible.We anticipate a maximum downtime of 2 ...
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Server Colocation Prinsipnya sama dengan dedicated server, bedanya jika DS servernya kami sediakan (punya kami) kalau colocation server-nya punya anda sendiri. Jadi anda tinggal kirim ke kami saja server yang sudah siap pasang.Kamu bisa menikmati paket colocation dengan harga spesial!! caranya masukkan kode promo dibawah ini pada saat kamu ...
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Dear pelanggan yang terhormat,
Dengan ini kami informasikan akan ada maintenance network oleh pihak ISP kami. Adapun detail maintenance tersebut adalah sbb :
Hari/ tanggal : Jumaat, 20 Desembet 2019Jam : 23.00 WIB
Durasi : sekitar 10 ...
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